Anonymity in Human Emulator Studio. Managing embedded browser information.

Anonymity in Human Emulator Studio. Managing embedded browser information.

Human Emulator Studio has the ability to change a wide range of settings. All browser settings and other commands for managing the browser can be found in the documentation for the object – browser. This article will talk specifically about changing those settings that contain information about the browser.

Browser sizes.

The width and height of the browser are set using the commands set_width and set_height of the object browser.

php example:

The scale of the browser.

You can set the browser scale using command set_zoom of the object browser.

php example:

Screen resolution and color depth.

Screen resolution and bit rate are set by one command of the object browser set_screen_resolution. Defines navigator: (width, height, pixelDepth) and their duplicates (availWidth, availHeight, colorDepth).

php example:

Useragent string.

To set the Useragent string or the so-called browser identifier, the object browser command set_user_agent is used. Together with the browser identifier, you must fill in the following navigator parameters (window.navigator): appVersion, appName, appCodeName, language (s), platform, product, productsub.

php example:

Information about the plugins.

Substitution of the list of plugins preinstalled in your browser is carried out using command set_plugins_info of the object browser.

Obtaining this information is included in the so-called browser fingerprints. Using this technology, the site owner can get your unique profile as a user and then determine all your subsequent visits and actions. We’ll talk about browser fingerprints in a separate article.

The list of plugins is given as a string:

«[{ name : ‘plugin name 1’, description : ‘plugin description 1’, filename : ‘plugin file 1’, version : ‘plugin version 1’ },
{ name : ‘plugin name 2’, description : ‘plugin description 2’, filename : ‘plugin file 2’, version : ‘plugin version 2’ },
{ name : ‘plugin name 3’, description : ‘plugin description 3’, filename : ‘plugin file 3’, version : ‘plugin version 3’ },
{ и т.д.}]»

From version 7.0.41, you can also specify a Mime list for plugins. Set as a string:

«[{type: ‘type’, suffixes: ‘suffixe’, description: ‘description’, __pluginName: ‘ plugin name 1′ },
{type: ‘type’, suffixes: ‘suffixe’, description: ‘description’, __pluginName: ‘ plugin name 2′ }
{type: ‘type’, suffixes: ‘suffixe’, description: ‘description’, __pluginName: ‘ plugin name 3′ }
{type: ‘type’, suffixes: ‘suffixe’, description: ‘description’, __pluginName: ‘ plugin name 3′ } ]»

php example:

You can view information on a real plug-in by installing them in the Chrome browser, and then through the Developer Tools (press F12) go to the console and there enter “navigator.plugins“. Information on the plugins appears as follows:

Hardware Information.

To set the parameters navigator hardwareConcurrency – the number of processors (threads) that are available to the browser and deviceMemory – the number of gigabytes of memory that are available to the browser using the object browser command set_hardware_info.

Also, from version 7.0.42, this command can also be used to set the devicePixelRatio parameter. DevicePixelRatio returns the ratio of resolution in physical pixels to resolution in CSS pixels for the current display device. This value can also be interpreted as the ratio of pixel sizes: the size of one CSS pixel to the size of one physical pixel. Simply put, this tells the browser how many actual pixels on the screen should be used to draw one pixel of CSS.

The parameter depends on the device: for ordinary displays it is 1, but there can be 2 and 1.5

php example:

Do Not Track (DNT).

This is the proposed HTTP header field, designed to allow Internet users to opt out of web site tracking, which includes collecting data about user activity in several different contexts, as well as storing, using or sharing data received from this activity outside the context in which it occurred.

To set this flag, use the object browser command set_do_not_track.

php example:

Touch screen.

You can set data about the used touch screen using the object browser command set_touch_info. The command changes the parameters of navigator.maxTouchPoints – the maximum number of simultaneous touch contacts and window.ontouchstart – whether touch events are enabled.

php example:

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Few ways for a programmer to make money using the Human Emulator.

Few ways for a programmer to make money using the Human Emulator.

Human Emulator is a very universal program covering a huge number of special features for browser automation.
The program uses scripts to work. Scripts automate any actions in built-in browser of the program and any actions with databases, FTP, folders, files, etc. They can be used for navigate to a specific website, to fill a lot of web forms, scraping specific data from websites, automated account creation, data mining, website testing, periodical report generation and much more. With just a few lines of code, the simplest scripts can nevertheless be tremendously time-saving. And they developing in most popular programming languages – PHP, C#, Python and Java Script(Node.js). Each script represents a php(c#, python or java script) file containing a list of commands that need to be executed by the Human Emulator so that the desired automated action could be achieved. And if you have base skills of PHP, C#, Python or Java Script programming languages you will don’t have any hard with the program.

human emulator studio

How a programmer can make money with the Human Emulator?

  1. Custom scripts development.
  2. Sale of your own scripts.
  3. Sale of your own applications.

Custom the Human Emulator scripts development.

Custom script development is the process of creating scripts for a specific set of users or organizations. We are often asked to advise developers of the Human Emulator scripts and at the moment we have several verified contacts of developers. On forums and freelance sites you can also find developers ready to write scripts for the Human Emulator to order. But still the demand for such work exceeds the number of performers. Therefore, we also work with all those who wish to become a script developer and make money on it.

Sale of your own the Human Emulator scripts.

This way is similar to custom scripts development, but instead of developing a script for one client, you put up your script for sale to many clients and get money from each sale.

Sale of your own applications based on the Human Emulator features.

Create your own software program based on features of the Human Emulator and then sell it to get your retribution. The advantage of this way is that you do the job once, but you keep making money at the expense of the work. Using of the Human Emulator features in your own application will allow you to safe a many time for developing because you will get access to features which develop during more than ten years.

Affiliate of webemulator.

Also you can become an affiliate of webemulator and will get a 20% commission on sales you generate. details

Contact us if you want to make money using the Human Emulator.

Our contacts:

telegram: @saleshumanemulator
Skype™: live:sales_91434

Solving captchas with in Human Emulator

Solving captchas with in Human Emulator

2Captcha is a human-powered image and CAPTCHA recognition service.

The process of solving captchas.

  • We send the image to 2Captcha server.
  • The server returns a unique task identifier (Captcha ID).
  • Run a loop that checks whether the captcha is solved.
  • As a result, we get either the text of the captcha or data for substitution in the sources of the page, or an error from the service.

Working with API 2Captcha in the program is simplified as much as possible. For this Human Emulator object has been added twocaptcha.

Let’s go through the main functions for working with the service 2Captcha.

Normal Captcha.

To recognize simple captcha with distorted text, use the function recognize.

As a result, the function returns a string with the solution of the captcha, which we substitute further in the input field on the site.

Using the function parameters you can set any type of such captcha, text or numbers, language, number of characters in the captcha, etc.


  • filename – path to captcha file
  • apikey – key for identification on the service
  • path – the service path
  • is_verbose – enable/disable verbose mode (commenting on what is happening): false( disable), true (enable)
  • rtimeout – delay between polls of the status of the captcha
  • mtimeout – timeout enter the captcha
  • is_phrase – 0 or 1 – the flag “captcha contains two or more words”
  • is_regsense – 0 or 1 – the flag “captcha is case sensitive”
  • is_numeric – 0 – not specified; 1 – captcha contains only numbers; 2 – captcha contains only letters; 3 – captcha contains only numbers OR only letters; 4 – captcha contains both numbers AND letters
  • min_len – 0 (no limit), minimal number of symbols in captcha
  • max_len – 0 (no limit), maximal number of symbols in captcha
  • is_russian – 0 – not specified; 1 – Cyrillic captcha; 2 – Latin captcha

Example of use in php:

As a result of the script, the text of the recognized captcha will appear in the debug panel of Human Emulator.

Text Captcha.

Text captcha is when you have to answer a question. For example: If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?

To recognize such captchas use the function recognize_text.

As a parameter, pass the text to be answered.

As a result, we get the correct answer, which must be either entered in a input field or selected from a listbox.

Example of using the function in php:

As a result of the example, the text with the correct answer will appear in the debug panel of Human Emulator.

ReCaptcha V2 and Invisible ReCaptcha V2.

Very popular captcha from Google. Different Invisible ReCaptcha V2 from the conventional ReCaptcha V2, that invisible captcha appears only after some action, say clicking on a button or field, and ReCaptcha V2 is visible on the page at once and looks like this:

There are two solutions to these captcha. First, getting a token and substitution of this token in the field on the site, and clicking on the specified pictures. Consider both solutions.

1.Recognition using a token.

This function is used recognize_recaptcha_v2.

This function takes the following parameters:

  • pageurl – full URL of the page where you want to solve ReCaptcha V2
  • googlekey – the so-called a sitekey. For each site it is different, and it can be found in the source text of the captcha.
  • invisible – type of captcha. Default: 0. 1 – tells us that the site using invisible ReCaptcha V2.
  • proxy – proxy. When you authenticate on IP: Ip_address:PORT. Example: proxy= When you authenticate using login and password: loginparameters. Example: proxy=proxyuser:strongPassword@
  • proxytype – the type of proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5. Example: proxytype=SOCKS4

Proxy and proxytype parameters are not set for work without proxy.

After sending these parameters to the server, in response comes the token this is the text like this:

As a rule, we substitute the token in the field with the id “g-recaptcha-response“, but it depends on the site, there may be options with other fields or calling the so-called Callback functions.

See a detailed description of the nuances of the recognition of ReCaptcha V2 on

Example of using the function for both variants of ReCaptcha V2:

As a result of correct recognition of the captcha in the program will open a page with the text “Verification Success… Hooray!“.

2.Clicking on pictures to recognize ReCaptcha V2.

To solve ReCaptcha V2 this method uses the function recognize_click_captcha.

The function accepts the following parameters:

  • filename – path to captcha image
  • textinstructions – the text of what you want to select in the picture in UTF-8 encoding. This parameter is not required, if the picture is clear where to click – you can not send it.

Example of the recognition of ReCaptcha V2 with clicks on images in php:

In the results of the example, the program clicks on the desired images. If the picture repeats, you need to send a new version, etc.

As you can see from the examples, the ReCaptcha V2 solution through a token is much easier than the option of clicking on the pictures, but in any case, both of these options work. The second method is suitable for all types of captcha, where you have to click on the pictures.

Recognition GeeTest captcha.

In GeeTest captcha, you need to select several objects or move a piece of the puzzle in the right order.

For raspoznanie this type of captcha in Human Emulator function is used recognize_geetest.

The following parameters must be passed for correct recognition:

  • pageurl – Full URL of the page where you see GeeTest captcha
  • gt – public website key (static)
  • challenge – dynamic challenge key
  • api_server – API domain (optional)
  • proxy – proxy. When you authenticate on IP: Ip_address:PORT. Example: proxy= When you authenticate using login and password: loginparameters. Example: proxy=proxyuser:strongPassword@
  • proxytype – the type of proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5. Example: proxytype=SOCKS4

Proxy and proxytype parameters are not set for work without proxy.

If captcha is already solved server will return the response in JSON. The response contains three values: challenge, validate and seccode:

To solve the geetest captcha you need to substitute values in the appropriate fields greatest_challenge, gee test_validate, geetest_seccode and click on button with text “Click to verify”.

Example of recognition GeeTest captcha in the Human Emulator program in php:

As a result of the example, a green check mark appears on the button “Click to verify”.

We have reviewed the most commonly used types of captcha. All types of captchas that can be recognized through the service and tariffs can be found on the website of the service.

If you need to add recognition of some type of captcha, which is not in the program write to us on the our forum.

Record video in the Human Emulator

Record video in the Human Emulator Studio.

In the version of Human Emulator Studio 7.0.38, several interesting commands appeared that we would like to draw the attention of users to.

These are the start_video_record and stop_video_record commands added to two objects – windows and browser. Commands added to the object – windows – record video from a given area of the screen, commands added to the object – browser record video from a specified area of the browser.

How it works?

When you start recording video, the program performs the specified number of screenshots-frames per second with the specified quality, after which a file is created with the recording in avi format.

Description of the commands.

The start_video_record command accepts the following parameters:

path – full or relative path to the video file.
fps – is the number of frames per second. So with fps = 10, 10 frames per second will be done, and with fps = 30, 30 frames per second or 1 frame in 33 milliseconds. The optimal FPS value will depend on how quickly actions take place in the recorded area. To record normal browsing, fps = 10 will be enough. Default: 10.
quality – JPEG image quality. Maximum quality 100%. Image quality is understood as the amount of useful data that JPEG can save. Default: 70.
x – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the recorded area. Default: -1.
y – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the recorded area. Default: -1.
width – the width of the recorded area. Default: -1.
height – the height of the recorded area. Default: -1.

With x = -1, y = -1, width = -1, height = -1 – the entire area of the screen or the built-in browser is recorded.

The stop_video_record command does not require any parameters. After calling this command, a record avi file will be created.

An example of use in php.

An example of a video recorded using start_video_record commands.

Using C # scripts in the Human Emulator

Using C # scripts in the Human Emulator.

There are two ways to work with a program using C # code.

  1. Writing scripts in C # in the program.
  2. Connecting separately written applications to the Human Emulator functionality.

Both methods use the XHE.dll library. The only differences are that when writing scripts in the program you do not need to connect the library, since it is already connected, and when creating separate projects you will need to connect this library.

XHE.dll library.

This dll library is a set of all objects and their functions that exist in the program.

A detailed description of the functionality of the objects can be found in our official documentation. The description for each function includes an example in C#.

The library was added to the program along with sources that are in the folder “folder with the program\Templates CSHARP\Lib\XHE\ XHE.sln“. The library sources are opened using Microsoft Visual Studio. If for some reason you need to make your changes to our library, you open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio, add your code there and then compile. The library connected to the Human Emulator is in the folder “folder with the program\Templates CSHARP\Lib\XHE\XHE\bin\Release\XHE.dll“. The main thing to note is that with the release of the new version, you will again have to reduce the library code, adding your changes to it. Whatever you do, you can send your code to us and we will add it to all subsequent versions of the program, but in this case your code will be available to all users of Human Emulator.

The library has been added to both “Human Emulator” (based on Internet Explorer) and “Human Emulator Studio” (based on Chromium) ranges. Work with the library in all versions of the program is completely identical. The differences are only in the available functionality.

Writing scripts in C # in a program.

To create a script in C # in the Human Emulator, just click on the File menu, point to New, and then click C# Script.

The “0.cs” script will open in the Scripts Editor with the following code:

The first part of the script is used to allow the use of types in the namespace.

The second part is the script itself. The InitXHE function is the entry point for every the Human Emulator objects. This function is called before using any program object. Without this call, you cannot work normally with it. After calling this function, work is going on with objects. In this case, it is browser.navigate(“”) and app.quit ();.
When the script is executed, it is compiled into EXE file and this EXE file is launched. Exe itself appears in the folder with the script and later it can be run as a regular EXE file. The main thing is that at the same time the Human Emulator would be opened. In it all the actions prescribed in EXE file will be performed.

Connecting third-party projects to the Human Emulator functionality.

In this case, you connect the xhe.dll library to your project just like any other.

After that, all objects and functions for controlling the Human Emulator become available in your project.