Script code:
<?php /* Type: PHP Example of script ** Do: Post twitts ** software version: Human Emulator Studio ** site: ** discuss: */ $xhe_host =""; // The following code is required to properly run XWeb Human Emulator require("../../Templates/xweb_human_emulator.php"); // //////////////////////// scripts settings ///////////////////////// // account data // login $str_lg_tw="DmitriyDumanovs"; // password $str_pass_tw="kuvxplscgQQ4110"; // path to file with tweets $path_to_tws = "data/tweets.txt"; // pause between post tweets (sec) $wt_min="10"; $wt_max="15"; // pause between actions $wt =1; // debug mode $dbg = true; // //////////////////////// addition modules /////////////// // addition functions require_once("tools/functions.php"); // /////////////////////// script actions /////////////////////////////////////////// debug_mess("Script started."); // get twits to array $a_tws= file($path_to_tws); debug_mess("login to"); // login to if(!login_tw($str_lg_tw, $str_pass_tw)) { debug_mess("Can't login! Please check account data. Script stop."); $app->quit(); } debug_mess("post all twts from file"); // post all twits from file foreach($a_tws as $tweet ) { // skip empty if($tweet=="") continue; // post $div->click_by_id("tweet-box-home-timeline"); sleep($wt); $div->send_keyboard_input_by_attribute("id", "tweet-box-home-timeline", true,$tweet, "20:40"); sleep($wt); $btn->click_by_inner_html("<span class=\"button-text tweet", false); sleep($wt); $mouse->send_wheel(1,100,100); //$btn->click_by_attribute("class", "button-text tweeting-text", true); // get random pause $wt_post = rand($wt_min,$wt_max); debug_mess("wait $wt_post seconds and post next tweet"); sleep($wt_post); } debug_mess("Script finished."); // Quit $app->quit(); ?>
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