When applying for a credit card and having the application approved, many users receive the following message from the bank: card in transit . but what does she mean? Check it out below! What does transit card mean? The term card in transit means that the card is on its way, that is, it has already been issued and is in the process of being transported to the address entered during registration. The card tracking option is quite common in digital banks, where all services are performed through an application.
How to track a card? Taking nubank as an example, considered one of the most successful fintechs in recent years in brazil, there are two different ways to track a credit card: correios: through a tracking code provided by nubank, the user will be able to follow all the shipping, postage and delivery steps of Job Function Email Database the card. Just click on the sequence of numbers and letters informed. It is also possible to copy and paste the coding on the correios website . however, to receive it, you must be 18 years of age or older. Carrier: through the nubank application, the user can track the shipment of the card by touching the “cartão em trânsito” option.
There, you can see a code in purple, in which the nu code appears. If the following message appears “card with the delivery person, there will be a delivery attempt in the next few days”, it means that there has already been a delivery attempt, but without success. In this case, the holder must pay attention to the delivery person's next trips to the informed location. Despite using nubank as an example, each bank and finance company adopt different methods for sending and monitoring the card situation. This is because it is also common to have other service channels, such as call centers and internet banking.