What advertising budget do you personally consider small? Why? For me, a small budget is the minimum effective monthly budget required. It can be determined based on their target goals. For example, if a business only needs to promote an Instagram page and reach a new audience, promoting Special Database Instagram feed posts is the way to go. In this case, it is worth allocating $6-9 for one publication for two or three days, that is, $3 per day. There can be 6-12 such publications per month. With their help, you can increase the reach of posts.

If there are additional goals (website traffic, lead generation, and so on), the minimum effective budget is $5 per day per group, given that you need to receive about 50 conversions per week in order for the Facebook system to be able to optimize. Each project should be considered separately, taking into account the tasks, audience, product, and the like. There is no minimum budget that fits everyone. Do you work with small target budgets in an agency? Does it work? What do you focus on and what do you “leave aside”? Yes, I work with small target budgets in an agency. Small budgets 100% work for: High-demand goods (seasonality, something new and everyone immediately wants emotional goods.