The query is based on the latest edition of the Ranking Universitário Folha (RUF) 2019 . Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism FAU – SP — University of São Paulo (USP) Considered the best public college of Architecture and Urbanism in the country, USP offers Telegram number list the course on its campuses in São Paulo (Cidade Universitária, Butantã) and Ribeirão Preto. The course was opened in 1948 to train architect-engineers within the Polytechnic School. After changes in the curriculum, in 1968, a course with isolated training was established.

EA-MG School of Architecture — Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) Second in the ranking, the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais is considered the first in the country. Located in the central region of Belo Horizonte, it was created by a group of architects in 1930, as an isolated course at the Fine Arts or Engineering faculties. In the 1940s, it was incorporated into UFMG. 3. Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism FAU – RJ — Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Third place goes to UFRJ. Created in 1816, linked to the Faculty of Fine Arts, this is the oldest architecture course in Brazil.