Relationship Examples of Less Admirable Traits and Recognizing Someone's Bad Attitude

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Relationship Examples of Less Admirable Traits and Recognizing Someone's Bad Attitude

Post by studentreshmakhatun » Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:18 am

Examples of Less Commendable Traits Basically, humans have two characteristics, namely commendable traits and less commendable traits. Both are naturally human. Humans can do commendable or dishonorable things. When people make mistakes, they should correct them. Especially mistakes that harm others. If you don't want to be harmed, then you shouldn't belittle or even harm others. As a human being can not always do good or commendable. Commendable itself in the Big Indonesian Dictionary is interpreted as very good famous for its goodness very sublime.

Praiseworthy traits should be carried out by all human beings without exception. Although it's hard to stay consistent. Often pressures to do something Category of Science Related to Islam USA Phone Number Data Islamic Religion Material Examples of Praiseworthy Traits Launching from the page, here are examples of commendable traits that can be practiced in everyday life. Be Responsible Being responsible is a serious action and accepting all the risks. Being responsible will make able to carry out his obligations properly and become one of the laudable traits.

Humble Humility is an attitude that is aware of one's own abilities and is not arrogant. By having humility, we can realize our mistakes and correct them. For example, friends still have to be humble about what we have even though other people see this as an advantage. 5. Please Help Please help is an attitude of helping others who are in trouble and lighten their burden. The attitude of mutual help must be maintained because in principle humans as social beings still need the help of others. For example, when a friend is in trouble, he must be helped as much as we can.

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