Explain things Write about things, whether they are education, work, or abilities. To add details for people who come to read to understand more easily Change the URL to be easy to remember. Changing the URL makes it easier for people to remember. can be changed by going to Settings and Privacy > Disclosure > Edit Your Public Profile > Edit Your Custom URL Now you can edit your URL to make it easier to remember. put yourself into different groups After we've finished India Phone Number List setting things up, don't forget to put yourself in the presence of people to comment. may make more people interested in us Profile picture and wallpaper size Including Linkedin Image Size. Good start. There will be work for sure. Different sizes for individual profiles Profile picture size will be 1:1 aspect ratio, minimum resolution 400 x 400 pixels is recommended for image clarity. And leave room for the sides because LinkedIn will crop the photo in a circular shape. This may cause details outside the circle to disappear. LinkedIn can support images up to 7680 x 4320 pixels and a maximum size of 8MB. You can upload a larger image for future reference. The wallpaper size will be 4:1 aspect ratio, 1584 x 396 pixels recommended, but each device has a different crop.

Please make sure your images display well on each device and the file size is under 8MB. Different sizes for company pages In addition to personal profiles, LinkedIn also offers company page profiles for organizations to create their own company profile to communicate with others and apply for jobs. We can also market to attract more customers on LinkedIn to purchase our products or use our services. which will make people pay attention to our company We should make our profile look attractive, or at least make sure the pictures are the correct size. Including Linkedin Image Size. Good start. There will be work for sure. The company logo is recommended to be 300 x 300 pixels in size. Square images can be used as there is no circular border like personal ones. Company cover photo The recommended size is 1128 x 191 pixels, which differs from personal designs in that they are longer. Including Linkedin Image Size. Good start. There will be work for sure. The Life Tab is a page tab to tell about life in the company. corporate culture or reviews from employees in the organization The main image.