One thing that everyone overlooks in Google Ranking is doing the Metadata of various websites for Google to capture and take to rank itself. By writing good metadata, your website will That has long-term benefits as well. Not doing Mobile Optimization With this era is the era of using mobile phones a lot. and consumers use the service via mobile phone do activities. Through more than 90% of mobile phones, making Mobile Optimization become a necessity. If you do short tail keyword you are in red ocean market but if you do long tail keyword you are in blue.
Google considers it important because it provides a good experience for consumers who come to use it. So who doesn't do Mobile Optimization of their own website? You may Mexico Phone Number List find that the website itself is not ranking well from google. Do only quantity in the past, doing SEO is making content that has keywords that you want to be added to the Google Index in large quantities. The more, the better because it will make your website ranked in the top of Google. And now more than 70% of Google comes from long tail keywords.
But in Today, Google values quality over quantity. With a lot of work but no quality, Google doesn't give any value. Keyword Specific Pages: This used to be a very popular method for marketers in the past. By creating a separate page on your site for each keyword you want Google to capture, this technique is now completely dead and no longer works. Short-tail Keyword in the past, it was very popular to make short keywords to rank on google, but now it has become the era of making long keywords because by doing this you can compete with the market.