Make The Learning Process More Bearable

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Make The Learning Process More Bearable

Post by Rumi10 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:12 am

When analyzing observable behaviors in experiments, reinforcers are used to achieve a specific behavior and maintain it. Examples of positive reinforcement used in the classroom are reward and praise. Negative reinforcements include scolding or punishment. In addition, they are located in this current: Ivan Pavlov's Theory of Classical Conditioning. John Broadus Watson's Behavioral Theory. And Burrhus Frederic Skinner's Theory of Operant Conditioning. Characteristic that highlights the behavioral theory of learning: the learner acts based on stimuli and reinforcements from his environment.

He does not have an active role in his learning.Cognitivism It is a current that studies how human beings process information and what are the complex mental phenomena involved. In educational cognitivism, learners acquire their knowledge through information processing operations . These are some of Canada Phone Number List the theoretical contributions related to cognitivism: Jean Piaget's Cognitivist Theory. Albert Bandura's Cognitive-Social Theory of Learning. Characteristic that stands out to cognitivism: the learner acquires knowledge through the reception, absorption, processing and storage of information. It is not a simple recipient of external stimuli and reinforcements.


Constructivism The foundation of this approach is that people build our own learning, through mental and physical activities that allow us intellectual progress. Learning theories based on this approach consider that new knowledge is a construction product of one's own abilities, previous knowledge and the environment. Some theories based on constructivism are: Lev Vygotsky's Theory of Social Constructivism. Constructivist Theory of Jean Piaget. Jerome Bruner's Theory of Discovery Learning. David Ausubel's Theory of Significant Learning. Characteristic that highlights the constructivist theory: the apprentice actively participates in the construction of their learning. Annie Spratt Theories applied to electronic learning Research on the learning process continues to evolve, which has allowed the development of new approaches. Research is also carried out to determine how to use learning theories in different educational modalities.

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