That is behind the term Big Data is an enormous amount of information generated daily from commercial activity, which will be processed in an optimized and clear way, for the best use. For Fernando Covac , specialist in Big Data and Head of Data Science and BI at Expertise Educação, the main importance of this technology is COUNTRY EMAIL LIST to help decision makers. “Today, we have an infinity of data, from structured data, from IBGE, censuses, surveys, to unstructured data, which comes from social networks, Google searches, mentions… You have a huge variety of data, from different sources. Allied to very powerful tools that are now consolidated in the market, you can do a very quick analysis and you don't have to wait to understand billions of data and make a decision he explains.
Your customer changes you need to keep up! The world is increasingly connected and your customer is no exception. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with your audience's needs and desires, as well as to stay ahead of the competition, which can attract your customer through a click if you don't get ahead of yourself. This is where Big Data comes in, where large data sets can be analyzed in an automated way and with greater precision, to discover patterns, trends and make useful conclusions, which will help in directing your commercial strategies. In this sense, on the relevance of Big Data in retail, Synnex points out: 1. For retailers, the ability to predict consumer trends has been a great advance for business.