Tips Tricks If you want to build a community, you can't get past Facebook. All target groups can be found there! You can find Generation Z and younger people, who are slowly saying goodbye to Facebook, on Instagram, which, as is well known, has also belonged to Facebook since 2012. In the list below you can see how Facebook and Instagram are used in Switzerland: Source: Quote from Thomas Hutter, ZB Baden.
Presentation Social Media Basics - Part 3, slide 21, December 9th, 2020, 2:00 p.m Those numbers are impressive, aren't they? Almost every second person living in Switzerland Belgium WhatsApp Number List is on Facebook or Instagram every day. Users are willing to join your community as long as you show them that you care about their issues and can solve their problems! Source: Based on table ZB Baden, DMMNDSHF presentation social media basics part 3, slide 29, copied on December 9th, 2020, Source: Based on table ZB Baden.
Presentation social media basics part 3, slide 25, copied on December Nice to know: Source: Time after Barbara Schwede, ZB Baden, DMMNDSHF Presentation Community Building & Management But that's the end of the theory! Here are your instructions for building a Facebook and Instagram community, based on the video by Robert , a successful online marketer and coach.