How to capture the screenshot of a specific element?
I want to capture a part of the page or a specific element based on ID or any specific element locator.
How can I do it in the Human Emulator Studio?
How to take screenshot of an element
Re: How to take screenshot of an element
For to take screenshot a specific element using element ID or any specific element locator you can use following functions with any Human Emulator DOM object:
If you want to capture a part of the page then you can use function print_screen of webpage object
print_screen($filepath,$xl=-1,$yt=-1,$xr=-1,$yb=-1,$as_gray=false) - take a screenshot of the current page.
For to take screenshot a specific element using element ID or any specific element locator you can use following functions with any Human Emulator DOM object:
- screenshot_by_number – to take screenshot using a specific element number
- screenshot_by_name – to take screenshot using a specific element name
- screenshot_by_src – to take screenshot using a specific element src
- screenshot_by_attribute – to take screenshot using any attribute of specific element
Code: Select all
print_screen($filepath,$xl=-1,$yt=-1,$xr=-1,$yb=-1,$as_gray=false) - take a screenshot of the current page.
- filepath - path to the file where the screenshot will be saved (BMP,png,gif,jpeg formats are supported)
- xl – x-coordinate of the top left corner of the page for the screenshot (at -1-from the beginning of the page)
- yt – y-coordinate of the top left corner of the page for the screenshot (at -1-from the beginning of the page)
- xr – x-coordinate of the lower right corner of the page for the screenshot (at -1 - to the end of the page)
- yb - y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the page for the screenshot (at -1 - to the end of the page)
- as_gray - specifies to take a screenshot in gray (true), available from version 7.0.6
Code: Select all