I download pictures from the site, for further use I need to cut off part of the picture.
How can I do that?
How can I crop pictures
Re: How can I crop pictures
Hi, you can do that using php code:
function call
Code: Select all
function crop($file_input, $file_output, $crop = 'square',$percent = false) {
list($w_i, $h_i, $type) = getimagesize($file_input);
if( $type=='jpg')
if (!$w_i || !$h_i) {
echo 'not possible to get length and width';
$types = array('','gif','jpeg','png');
$ext = $types[$type];
if ($ext) {
$func = 'imagecreatefrom'.$ext;
$img = $func($file_input);
} else {
echo 'wrong format';
if ($crop == 'square') {
$min = $w_i;
if ($w_i > $h_i) $min = $h_i;
$w_o = $h_o = $min;
} else {
list($x_o, $y_o, $w_o, $h_o) = $crop;
if ($percent) {
$w_o *= $w_i / 100;
$h_o *= $h_i / 100;
$x_o *= $w_i / 100;
$y_o *= $h_i / 100;
if ($w_o < 0) $w_o += $w_i;
$w_o -= $x_o;
if ($h_o < 0) $h_o += $h_i;
$h_o -= $y_o;
//echo "$w_o, $h_o<br>";
$img_o = imagecreatetruecolor($w_o, $h_o);
imagecopy($img_o, $img, 0, 0, $x_o, $y_o, $w_o, $h_o);
if ($type == 2) {
return imagejpeg($img_o,$file_output,100);
} else {
$func = 'image'.$ext;
return $func($img_o,$file_output);
Code: Select all
crop("path to picture","path to result picture", array(left, top, width, height),"in percents");
Re: How can I crop pictures
And what does left, top, width, height and "in percent" mean?
Re: How can I crop pictures
left - indent from the left edge of the picture
top - indent from the top edge of the picture
width - picture width
height - picture height
"in percent" - indicates the height and width parameters specified in percent or not.
Here is such a call:
This is retreating from the top edge of 10px with 80% of the width remaining, and 92% of the height. According to these parameters, the image is cropped.
If making a call:
Then the indentation from above is the same, the width of the image is 80, the height is 92. That is, we can either set rigid dimensions or cut off a percentage of the width and height.
top - indent from the top edge of the picture
width - picture width
height - picture height
"in percent" - indicates the height and width parameters specified in percent or not.
Here is such a call:
Code: Select all
crop ("1.png", "1_0x10x80x92_t.png", array (0,10,80,92), true);
If making a call:
Code: Select all
crop ("1.png", "1_0x10x80x92_t.png", array (0,10,80,92), false);
Re: How can I crop pictures
Thank you very much!