Following the model of close figures such as his father, and other social references such as the protagonists of movies and series who personally take care of their vehicles and They never appear doing household chores. You know, that thing about children see, children do . And the girls , of course. People apply our skills in a variable way depending on the context and the situation in which they have to be Crypto Email List put into play. Talent comes to light or not depending on the motivation related to each context. Most people already know what they have to do, what happens is that they don't do it. Not at least in all situations. And to be more specific, they do it in some contexts and not in others because that is what their previous experiences have been like. Surely you concentrate better at work or at home, or vice versa, because how you organize each context is different,

What you get in each one and the habits that are generated. People are not motivated in general, but our motivation is contextual, temporal and specific , related to an activity at a time and in a specific situation. 4. Motivation involves defining objectives. A person who does not set professional objectives or goals, by definition, is an unmotivated and often discouraged person. You will enjoy and feel more involved, for example in your job, if you set your own daily, weekly, etc. goals. You achieve it because you put your mind to it : more and better planning means more and better motivation. If you are looking for a job, your motivation will grow if you set achievable and concrete goals. Some examples of possible milestones would be contacting a person you know today to let them know you are looking for a job and ask for advice; check 5 job offers portals on the internet at least once a week; carry out face-to-face self-application in 20 companies per month, etc. 5. Motivation is not what you would do, it is what you do. When we find ourselves in social contexts, there is a greater chance that our stated intentions have nothing to do with our real motivation, as exemplified by the story of the hostess and the pianist or the metaphor of the boxer .