”! So, for example, it can be applied when someone asks you something and you are not sure of the answer, when you want to add your own opinion or even when you want to disagree with it. Then, in that case, just say “I don't think so”. 2. In my opinion There’s no need for translation here, right? After all, it is just like Portuguese and, therefore, you can start the sentence to express your opinion in English with it and continue your position, or say Email Marketing List everything you need to say and, at the end, conclude with “this is my opinion”. 3. To my mind This is another way to start a sentence to express an opinion in English and, in practice, it can be translated as “in my head”, “the way I think”, “in my opinion” or something along those lines. Want a practical example to see what it looks like? So, there it goes: “In my mind, he still loves her”. In other words, “In my opinion, he still loves her.” 4. The way I see it Here we also have another common expression in English, generally used to express an opinion on a particular subject.

In a literal translation, “The way I see it” means in Portuguese “The way I see it” or “The way I see it”. Let's look at a practical example for this expression too? So, check it out: “The way I see it, he's not going to continue with his job.” Or in translation: “The way I see it, he’s not going to continue with his work.” 5. In my view This phrase to express an opinion has a very similar phrase in Portuguese and both are widely used in everyday life in a conversation or discussion on any topic. It would be the same as our “In my vision”. Therefore, you can use “in my view” at the beginning of sentences and continue with your final positioning. For example: “In my view, there is not enough time to take the test”. Translated, it would read: “In my view, there is not enough time to take the test.” In addition, you can use the expression “In my point of view”, which literally means “In my point of view”. 6. I believe that… Another example of a phrase to express an opinion in.