They were mistreated and dejected "like sheep without a shepherd"

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They were mistreated and dejected "like sheep without a shepherd"

Post by moriom5856 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:22 am

Gospel for Thursday of the second week of Easter:

Jesus traveled through all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and curing all diseases and illnesses. When he saw the crowds he was filled with compassion for them, because they were mistreated and downcast “like sheep without a shepherd . ”
Then he said to his disciples: -The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Pray, therefore, to the lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest .

Christ feels compassion for the people who are being mistreated by the absence of good shepherds... and probably also by the presence of foolish and unworthy shepherds. The people of Israel, in theory, had everything. He had the law and the Phone Number prophets. He had the promises. He had the old covenant. And yet they were like sheep without a shepherd. Nothing different from what can happen, if it is not already happening to a greater or lesser extent, with the Church.

In today's first reading we see what some of the characteristics of the good Christian shepherd should be:

Have as a rule the healthy words that you heard from me with the faith and charity that we have in Christ Jesus. Keep the good deposit through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
You, then, my son, become strong with the grace of Christ Jesus , and what you have heard from me, guaranteed by many witnesses, entrust it to faithful men who, in turn, will be able to teach others . Share suffering with me as a noble soldier of Christ Jesus.


It is essential that the Christian pastor give the people of God sound doctrine, that they keep the deposit of faith. We do not need destroyers of the tradition we have inherited. We do not need inventors of new doctrines. We do not need food adulterated by the poison of heresy.

We must ask the Lord to send workers into the harvest. Faithful workers. Holy workers. Workers who by grace work for the Kingdom of God and not as Satan's fifth column in the Church.

Do not allow, Lord, that the faith that you have given us by pure grace be taken away from us. Uproot from your Church those who want to lead us down paths of perdition.

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