The 2012 writing challen Email List e is to finish that novel and write as many short stories as possible. Also continue to blog every day, because that's part of writing too. Focus I have to focus almost all my energy on the challenge at hand. In writing the focus is on literary projects . Because only if the right attention and concentration converge on the work being written will that work finally see its end. If the focus continually shifts, if it fades, if even turns off, what you write will never reach a final point, but will stagnate on paper, in the mind, on the computer keyboard. Austerity A word thae from and unnecessary ornamentation. A more balanced writing, with the right amount of adjectives and adverbs. A more austere reading, too, which does not mean reading less, but reading better. Your 3 words for 2012 Now think about your three words for 2012. It is not important that you comment immediately. Think and finally write here the 3 words that will distinguish your writing in .

Download as the post in PDF - Print this post Share on It Related articles 3 words for 2023 3 words for 2023 3 words for 2022 3 words for 2022 3 words for 2021 3 words for 2021 AUTHOR: DANIELE IMPERI(2072 ARTICLES) My job is to write texts for the web and proofread manuscripts . «Penna blu» is my main blog, an open place to talk about writing, publishing and reading. I also write in the magazine dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe and on Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's official website . I wrote the book The 22 Immutable Laws of Blogging . 6 COMMENTS HOMBRE Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 11.39pm Reply excellent, I totally marry them, all three! and anyway I also say mine: silence – conviction – activity MARCO Monday, January 2, 2012 at 7:37 am Reply I agree, but I would replace "austerity" with "sobriety": it seems to me to be a term that is still challenging but less gloomy.