Germany woke up one day and groaned at seeing herself Lutheran

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Germany woke up one day and groaned at seeing herself Lutheran

Post by moriom5856 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:30 am

Shortly after the Council of Nicaea, in which the full divinity of Christ had been proclaimed as a dogma of faith by the Catholic Church, the Arian heresy, which opposed said dogma by making Jesus Christ a kind of minor god, managed to reach a large part of Christianity. The advance of Arianism was so great that Saint Jerome wrote: "The world woke up one day and groaned at seeing itself Arian."

Well, five centuries after Luther began the second great schism in the history of the Church, his homeland, everything indicates that there is a very important advance of Lutheranism in Germany. The fact that the German Episcopal Conference describes the former Augustinian monk as a “religious pioneer, witness of the Gospel and teacher of the faith” cannot be described in any other way .

There may be German Catholic bishops who disagree. I hope Telegram Number Data they decide to declare it publicly, so as not to become participants in the confusion created.

What has happened should surprise no one. It is clear that the Catholic Church in Germany and much of Central Europe has been walking down the path of apostasy for decades. Lutheranism is one more step , but the final destination is complete marriage with liberal theology, which is the murderous cancer that leaves no trace of Christian faith wherever it is imposed.


For the moment, I don't plan to write another line about Luther. In InfoCatólica there is plenty of material so that anyone who wants to be educated Catholicly about this heresiarch can do it very well. These examples are valid:

Was Martin Luther right?
Luther, great heretic
Cardinal Kasper and “Saint Thomas versus Luther”

And as the apostle Saint Paul said, “even if we ourselves or an angel from heaven were to announce to you a gospel different from the one we preached to you, let it be anathema! ” (Gal 1,8).

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