The “Youth Adejera” Society of the Villa de Adeje (1927-1929)

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The “Youth Adejera” Society of the Villa de Adeje (1927-1929)

Post by Liteon » Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:53 am

Like the other municipalities in the South of Tenerife, the town of Adeje has had several casinos throughout the last century: the “Unión y Cultura” Society (1911-1916); the “Juventud Adejera” Society (1927-1929); the “Centro Adejero” Society, then “Casino Principal” (1927-1947); the Circle of Patriotic Union (1929); the “Proculture” Society (1932); and the “Recreation and Development” Society, then “Unión y Fomento” (1944-1962). In a previous article we already dealt with the first of them and in this one we are going to focus on the second, the short-lived “Juventud Adejera” Society.

The regulations of this society were drafted on April 5, 1927 and its fundamental objective was “ the leisure and recreation of its members ,” as well as “ to ensure their material and Email Marketing List intellectual level .” On July 24, 1927 it was presented to the Civil Government of the province, where on August 10 this recreational society was registered in the Association Registry book, with number 509. Its registered office was initially installed in the house No. 1 of the Plaza de la Cruz del Llano in Villa de Adeje, from where it moved in August of that same year to San Lorenzo street and in July 1929 to Pescadores.


Street.Its main founder and first president was Don Federico Rivero Placeres (1878-1940), born in Guía de Isora and died in Adeje, who stood out in this town as a shoemaker, parish sacristan, amateur actor, municipal judge, president of the Board Municipal Electoral Census, member of several municipal commissions, member of the Casino and Falangist. He was succeeded by Don Fermín Fraga González (son of the cultured teacher Don Fermín Fraga y Fraga), who was born and lived in Adeje, where he was also municipal prosecutor, member of the local Primary Education Council and the local Committee of Popular Agrarian Action, and chief corporal.

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