I believed, that's why I spoke

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I believed, that's why I spoke

Post by meher172 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 6:17 am

The apostle Saint Paul gives us the key when it comes to behaving at all times, especially in times of tribulation. But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written: I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore we speak ; knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you before him. For all this is for your good, so that the more who receive grace, the greater the gratitude, to the glory of God. Therefore, we do not become discouraged, but, even when our outer man falls apart, our inner man is renewed day by day. For the present light tribulation provides us with an immense and incalculable load of glory, since we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is not seen; In fact, what is seen is transitory; what is not seen is eternal.

"I believed, that's why I spoke." Silence is not an option. Faith cannot be kept inside the soul under the key of lukewarmness. False prudence is the disguise of cowardice. As Saint Pius X taught well: “Catholic doctrine teaches us that the first duty of charity is not in the tolerance of erroneous convictions, no matter howJob Function Email List sincere they may be, nor in the theoretical or practical indifference to the error or vice in which we see our brothers immersed, but in zeal for their intellectual or moral improvement." Saint Pius X, Encyclical Letter Notre charge apostolique. Will we have problems in this world if we speak according to what we believe? Will we have them if we remain firm and will not tolerate error or invite their spokespersons to present their theses in our own home? Definitely.


But Christ already warned us: If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you. Jn 15,18 Humanly speaking, it can be very “hunchback” to be faithful in the midst of apostasy and face the consequences of that faithfulness, but what other option do we have? Does not divine grace enable us to remain persevering in fidelity to God? Joshua's question to the people who left the desert after 40 years of pilgrimage towards the promised land resonates today like never before: But if it is hard for you to serve the Lord, choose today who you want to serve: whether the gods your fathers served on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose country you live; that I and my house will serve the Lord . Joshua 24:15 Today the foreign gods are the laws that destroy the natural law and the morality that is a companion of the common good.

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