The mayor of La Solana highlights the promising future and employment opportunities

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The mayor of La Solana highlights the promising future and employment opportunities

Post by isratkhatun9870 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:08 am

La Solana, with inhabitants, is an entrepreneurial and dynamic city, with significant industrial development, an important agri-food sector that accounts for more than of economic activity and other thriving sectors such as construction. A base that is allowing us to bet on the future and encourage economic growth and job creation.

The main commitment is the Business Park, which in recent years has been given a strong boost. On the one hand, establishing the price of Industry Email List industrial land below 30 euros square meters; in order to make it affordable for local companies and attractive for the installation of foreign businesses. Three phases of land disposal have already been carried out. On the other hand, a second phase of urbanization is already being considered to expand the industrial zone and the park is being promoted, with the help of higher administrations, in important forums related to industrial development.

The future of La Solana involves continuing to work on the development of the Industrial Park, which is already a reality. It is an important value for industrial development, economic growth and the generation of employment and opportunities in our town,” says the mayor and General Secretary of the PSOE, Eulalio Díaz Cano.

Along with this Business Park, the renovation and maintenance of roads and communication routes, for which the town is counting on the financial support of two socialist institutions: the Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha and the Ciudad Real Provincial Council.To carry out any future project, it is essential to be well connected and have roads in good condition,” says Díaz-Cano.

With own funds, the roundabout on the Valdepeñas highway that connects with the Business Park has been built to facilitate the passage of heavy vehicles. For its part, the Regional Government has been in charge of improving the road that connects La Solana with Infantes, a natural connection route with Campo de Montiel, with which the city maintains a historical economic relationship, especially farmers and ranchers. The Provincial Council has also approved the project to repair the Herrera highway, which is being put out to tender and will begin in the coming months.


The future vision of the socialist government team not only includes industrial development and job creation, but also population settlement and the creation of housing, “so that people choose to stay and live in La Solana,” he explains.

To this end, housing policies have been implemented for young people, making available to them, at very affordable prices, plots of 100 m 2 (between 50 and 60 euros per square meter), in the La Calzada area. An initiative that has been very successful and has given life to a new neighborhood in the city.

Complementing these actions, the sports facilities have been improved and adapted to the. “Sports activity is very important in La Solana. We have numerous elite athletes, clubs and teams that represent us in different competitions. That is why we have always believed that the promotion of sport and having the best sports facilities is essential for solaneros and solaneras.”La Solana has a Sports City typical of provincial capitals, with two soccer fields, 4 paddle tennis courts, a skatepark, a calesthenics area and different pavilions, some of them close to educational centers. These facilities have been completed this term with athletics tracks in which, with the help of the Provincial Council, more than euros have been invested. “It was only right to expand our Sports City with these courts, because we have renowned athletes in the town such as Paula Sevilla, Antonio Serrano or Herminia Parra. In short, investments that aim to continue improving the city and the quality of life of the residents of La Solana.

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