Exchanging messages for images. In 2011, it changed its name to snapchat. In 2012, snapchat was no longer exclusive to ios. Breaking into android, the number of active users jumped from a thousand to a million. The function of recording videos in messages came about at this time. And it was at this time of change and growth that mark zuckerberg turned Whatsapp phone number list his eyes to snapchat. A successful walk in 2013, the function that would make snapchat world famous was implemented. The possibility of making publications lasting 24 hours. And also: view the timeline of other users. Stories' father was born on snapchat. It didn't take long for the app to reach the mark of 50 million active users.

The changes so far have been very good. Snapchat lenses, live stories, geofilters and advertisements. In addition, the discovery and memories functions were very well accepted. In 2016, snapchat reached the mark of 150 million active users. More than twitter. Problems arise in 2012, mark zuckerberg tried to buy snapchat for $3 billion. Evan refused. Since then, facebook has made other proposals, all of which have been rejected. Until the largest social network today decided to "play" snapchat. The first feature copied was the image and video chat, instagram direct. Then slingshot, which allowed sharing photos and videos. Then instagram stories and facebook stories. Finally, messenger day. And then the problems started.