By purchasing this software you agree with our privacy and data protection policy.
Data protection
Any data provided by the user cannot by disclosed or forwarded to the third parties excepting cases specified by the legislation of the state of user’s business.
Receipt of personal information
At purchase the user provides the following information: e-mail, UIN, skype, login, password etc.
Use of personal information
User’s personal information is used for the verification in disputes and improvement of quality of provided services. If the user has the same login on the forum and in the system, then during messaging on forum the login information will be available to the third parties. Despite the fact that the developers take every effort to protect personal information of users and partners, in some cases specified by the legislation or in case that the administration deems the disclosure of information necessary to conclude a legal procedure or court judgement. In other cases under no conditions the information provided by the users will be disclosed to the third parties.
Control of personal information
For the control of personal information the system includes the data verification mechanism. The user is responsible for the consequences of providing of incorrect information. In case some information changes the user must contact sales department in order to correct system data.
User’s contact info may be used by the administration for communication with the user.
The site may contain links to other websites. The Browser Automation Studio administration is not responsible for the contents, quality and security policy of those websites. The present privacy statement refers to information placed on
The project administration provides security of user’s accounts from the unsanctioned access. For the access to the restricted area of the site the user must state user id (login) and password. The user must keep such info in secret and is not allowed to disclose such info to the third parties. If the user believes that his password is insecure, the user can contact sales department to change password.
Manual signature analog
The user’s manual signature is replaced by the password to user’s account. By accepting present privacy policy the user confirms the acceptance of password to account as an analog of manual signature. The user accepts all documents endorsed using manual signature analog as equivalent to the written documents. By accepting present privacy policy the user confirms that the use of manual signature analog in electronic messages transmitted inside the system may lead to legal consequences similar to use of actual signatures and written documents. The user is responsible for the safety and non-disclosure of analog of manual signature data. All actions performed in the system using analog of manual signature are deemed as performed by the user personally.
Changes notifications
Browser Automation Studio administration may amend this privacy policy without additional notofocations. The changes come into force upon publishing. The users may keep track of changes in the privacy policy manually.