Record video in the Human Emulator

Record video in the Human Emulator Studio.

In the version of Human Emulator Studio 7.0.38, several interesting commands appeared that we would like to draw the attention of users to.

These are the start_video_record and stop_video_record commands added to two objects – windows and browser. Commands added to the object – windows – record video from a given area of the screen, commands added to the object – browser record video from a specified area of the browser.

How it works?

When you start recording video, the program performs the specified number of screenshots-frames per second with the specified quality, after which a file is created with the recording in avi format.

Description of the commands.

The start_video_record command accepts the following parameters:

path – full or relative path to the video file.
fps – is the number of frames per second. So with fps = 10, 10 frames per second will be done, and with fps = 30, 30 frames per second or 1 frame in 33 milliseconds. The optimal FPS value will depend on how quickly actions take place in the recorded area. To record normal browsing, fps = 10 will be enough. Default: 10.
quality – JPEG image quality. Maximum quality 100%. Image quality is understood as the amount of useful data that JPEG can save. Default: 70.
x – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the recorded area. Default: -1.
y – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the recorded area. Default: -1.
width – the width of the recorded area. Default: -1.
height – the height of the recorded area. Default: -1.

With x = -1, y = -1, width = -1, height = -1 – the entire area of the screen or the built-in browser is recorded.

The stop_video_record command does not require any parameters. After calling this command, a record avi file will be created.

An example of use in php.

An example of a video recorded using start_video_record commands.