Human Emulator Runtime(RT)

Many of our clients have noticed that the folder with Human Emulator or Human Emulator Studio has long had another exe file with the abbreviation RT XWeb Human Emulator MT RT.exe and XWeb Human Emulator Studio RT.exe. Unfortunately, not everyone knows why this version of the program is needed. In this article, we will talk about it in detail.

What is Human Emulator Runtime (RT)?

This is a special stripped-down Runtime version of the program that disables all unnecessary interface elements. This version is recommended when working in multithreaded mode.

Human Emulator Studio Runtime (RT) window

Why do I need a Runtime version of the program?

The Runtime (RT) version was created in order to optimize the program’s work with scripts in multithreaded mode and remove all unnecessary loads on the system. Because with a large number of simultaneously running versions of the program, system resources were spent on rendering various dialogs and panels, which are not necessary when working with already written and fully debugged scripts. This version has no restrictions on functionality and can execute any scripts written in the full version of the program.

Separate RT version packages.

Not so long ago, the Runtime (RT) version was separated into separate packages and is now sold to all customers who already have any human Emulator Studio, Human Emulator, or Human Emulator Studio Single license. You can buy the package you need in the user panel.

You can also deliver this version to your clients along with your own scripts to all script developers.

This process looks like this: the developer buys a suitable package for the number and price of Runtime versions – 1, 5, 10, 20 licenses. The larger the package, the cheaper it is. And then grants the license to your client. Activation is performed in the developer dashboard in a separate table with Runtime licenses. The developer determines the price for the RT version for their clients.

Table with RT versions in the user panel

For more information about how you can earn with Human Emulator, see our blog article about how to start earning with Human Emulator

Read more about version of the Human Emulator in Wiki.

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